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Max Scheinin:


Many people did things that made “The Psychedelic Issue” possible. I am grateful to all of this issue’s interview subjects, as well as to those who helped put me in contact with them – Debbie Hiott of KUT, Susan Castle and Jay Trachtenberg of KUTX, and Margaret Willard of Regime Music Group.


The Daughter’s Grimoire is grateful to Duke University Press and Kerin Ogg for kindly granting permission to run the excerpt from Chapter 8 of Get Shown the Light; and to New World Library and Kim Corbin for permission to run the excerpt from Swimming in the Sacred.


Thanks to Gianni de Falco. 


I wrote the two chapters of Terence McKenna and the Secret of the Tryptamines that are published in this issue in 2016. I don’t anticipate finishing the biography (although nothing is ruled out), and I do feel regret that I did not complete a project for which I received generous input and help, in the research phase, from Bruce Damer and Dennis McKenna.


My brother Jesse and my friend Philip both gave me valuable advice, feedback and insight as I was working on this issue, and both are always willing to take concrete steps to help me realize an intention for The Daughter’s Grimoire. I am lucky that I can count on them. 


Gratitude, as always, to my first and still most-trusted editors, my parents, Richard Scheinin and Sara Solovitch; to Neil and Sandy Scheinin, for their kindness; and to Bruce Haynes and Syma Solovitch, and Joseph Solovitch and Rose Solovitch. And, of course, to the dedicatee of this issue. 


Jamie Thompson:


Sincere thanks to family and friends; shout-outs to Jamie and Janet, d.L., Erkin, Julie, Lily, Nick, Paul, Steve, Thomas, and Yehuda. 


Bags, wherever you are. 


Deep bow/s to our guests for this issue of TDG:


Kavi, Rachel, Blitz, Murray: Thank You!


Libby for believing in me. 




Ilze Briede [Kavi] works in visual art, interactive installation and live performance, and is pursuing a PhD in Computation Art at York University. See more of her work here and here. [Return].


Butcher Brown is a jazz/funk/hip hop fusion ensemble. Learn more about them here; listen to their music on Apple Music, Spotify, and other streaming platforms. [Return].


Michael Corcoran is a music critic and the author of multiple published and forthcoming books. Read his essays on the history of Austin music on his Substack. Follow him on X @michaelcorcoran. Order his books here. [Return].


Gianni de Falco is a music writer whose work has appeared in the Oxford Review of Books. Check out some of his past work here, and follow him on X @negativwishwell[Return].


Gerald Friedman is a poet based in New Mexico. His work is gathered here[Return].


John Hanson is a longtime DJ and producer at KUT and KUTX. Learn more about his work here. Listen to his Old School Happy Feet Dance Party every Friday at 4pm CST on KUTX[Return].


Rachel Harris is a psychologist and author. Find out more about her work and her books here and here[Return to Interview]. [Return to Excerpt].


Michael Kaler is a professor at the University of Toronto, Mississauga. His professional biography is here. His book-length study of The Grateful Dead, Get Shown the Light, is being published this November by Duke University Press; find out more and order your copy here[Return to Interview]. [Return to Excerpt].


Murray Pomerance is a film professor, film critic and author. His professional biography is here; some of his work is available here[Return].


Mike Tolleson is an Austin attorney specializing in entertainment law. Information about his law practice is here[Return].


Jay Trachtenberg is a music critic and DJ. Follow him on X @jjtrachtenberg. Listen to his program Sunday Morning Jazz every Sunday at 7am CST on KUTX[Return].




To Neil and Sandy Scheinin, whose kindness and generosity made this issue possible. – Max Scheinin


This issue is dedicated to my daughters, Islay and Faryn. – Jamie Thompson




Ilze Briede [Kavi] created the untitled video and its images in 2023; copyright, 2023, Ilze Briede [Kavi].


Gianni de Falco wrote “Surf’s Up” in 2023; copyright, 2023, Gianni de Falco.


Gerald Friedman wrote “Feelin’ Nearly Stonewashed as My Jeans” in 1998; copyright, 2023, Gerald Friedman.


Swimming in the Sacred was published by New World Library on May 9, 2023; all excerpts of Swimming in the Sacred copyright, 2023, Rachel Harris.


Get Shown the Light will be published by Duke University Press on November 17, 2023; all excerpts of Get Shown the Light copyright, 2023, Michael Kaler.


Murray Pomerance wrote “Fragment of a Letter, Unsigned, Found in Grand Central Station” in 2023; copyright, 2023, Murray Pomerance.


Max Scheinin wrote the first two chapters of Terence McKenna and the Secret of the Tryptamines in 2016, and “Watching The Birdcage on Acid” in 2023. Max Scheinin conducted the interviews published, respectively, as “In Conversation with Butcher Brown” and “Austin City Flashbacks” in September, 2023. All pieces of writing named in this paragraph, copyright, 2023, Max Scheinin.


Jamie Thompson wrote “Pieces of String Too Small to Use” in 2023, and conducted the interviews published as “In Conversation with Michael Kaler” and “In Conversation with Rachel Harris” in, respectively, August and September of 2023. All pieces of writing named in this paragraph, as well as all drawings, photographs, multi-media pieces and paintings attributed to Jamie Thompson on the previous page, copyright, 2023, Jamie Thompson.


The Daughter’s Grimoire copyright, 2023, Max Scheinin and Jamie Thompson.

Ilze Briede [Kavi]
Butcher Brown
Michael Corcoran
Gianni de Falco
Gerald Friedman
John Hanson
Rachel Harris
Michael Kaler
Murray Pomerance
Mike Tolleson
Jay Trachtenbrg
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